Networking Opportunities in a Shared Office Space

For those of us without office space in DC or the surrounding area, working from home or at a coffee shop sounds very practical—even modern and laid-back. In reality, it can be difficult to get work done in these places as there are multiple distractions.

Office spaces are specifically designed to discourage interruptions while you work, but they can be expensive. If this is the case for you, you may want to consider a shared office space.

One of the many great things about shared workspaces is that they are significantly less costly than office space for lease. These collaborative office spaces are typically fully furnished, with access to the Internet and meeting rooms. Payment for these services is rolled into a monthly fee, taking the burden of an extended lease or an inflexible service agreement off your shoulders.

But what’s interesting is the unique brand of networking that can take place in a shared office space. Some of us dread going to after-work events or sitting through long conferences just to meet potential clients or business collaborators. With a shared office space, your chances of making new colleagues become significantly higher. You may be sitting next to someone whose idea or line of work fits nicely with yours.

This does happen. In an interview with Harvard Business Review, Roberto Alcazar of, who moved into a collaborative workspace in 2011, said that constant and inevitable interaction in a shared office space could help you stay in the loop for different fields and disciplines. A quick exchange with “that investor or that start-up guy can prove to be invaluable,” he said, as it can help you come up with new ideas for your own business.

At Metro Offices we foster the unique networking opportunities available in this era of collaborative workspaces. We have shared office spaces in nine strategic locations in Metro DC to assist big and small businesses who are looking to modify the way they conduct their business. We can provide access to conference rooms, reliable technology, professional staff, and fully furnished workspaces without the heavy expenses that come with building or buying your own office.

Looking for office space in DC or the surrounding areas? Contact us today for more information on our shared office space options.

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