Calling All Government Agencies!

Are you wanting to implement your own or improve your government agency’s telework program? If so, then you’ll want to register for our May 12th Telework NOW with Telework Plus webinar. Being a leader in the workspace solutions industry means we understand the challenges companies meet in the telework world and we want to show you how to create the most effective and efficient telework program possible.

Since President Obama passed the telework bill in 2010 government agencies are looking for ways to create and implement their own individual telework programs and we, at Metro Offices, have the answers you’re looking for. Through our online presentation, you will learn about “Telework Plus” and how it can benefit your agency. We will talk about benefits such as:

•Access to telework centers throughout Washington, DC, Maryland and Northern Virginia

•Dramatic reduction in cost of workstations

•Increase Productivity while Improving Job Performance and Employee Quality of Life

•Access to 40 meeting rooms, training facilities, and business lounges, allowing for meetings with clients or team members at most convenient Metro Office Center

•Online Reservation System to schedule workspaces, meeting rooms, private offices and training rooms

•And More!

If you are looking for innovative answers to your agency’s telework needs, then don’t miss Metro Office Telework webinar on May 12th! Register now!

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