An Interview with Metro Offices COO, Korie Mulkowsky

An Interview with Metro Offices COO, Korie Mulkowsky

As the year comes to an end, we thought we’d close out our 35th anniversary with another interview — this time, we’re talking to Metro Office’s COO, Korie Mulkowsky. As CEO Kathlene Buchanan’s daughter, Korie represents the next generation of Metro Offices and has already had a significant hand in charting the course for our company’s future.

However, her story with Metro Offices started a long time ago — back when she was a young girl watching her mother build the foundation of what we know and love today. Kathlene’s goal was always to create a company that would live in the family for generations, and Korie now continues the legacy with her husband, Lee, and their daughter deeply involved in the Metro’s success.

Let’s hear what Korie has to say about her journey in the family business and how she sees Metro Offices evolving in the future.

An Interview with Metro Offices COO, Korie Mulkowsky | Metro Offices
Tell us about your journey with Metro Offices and how you’ve grown into your role as COO.

My journey with Metro began when I would sit beside my mom’s desk as a little girl and do my homework or color on copier paper. My working journey began the summer after my senior year of high school. I handled tasks like filing, entering payables, and assisting with billing, learning the operational side of the business.

After college, I returned home and became a full-time receptionist mainly so I could make money to travel. Eventually, I took on a management role at one of the smaller, struggling DC offices – 1090 Vermont Avenue. I learned a lot that year. I made mistakes but I also made friends. I worked hard building strong relationships with our clients. When I left, Vermont Avenue was profitable. 

From there, I opened our Farragut, Metro Center, and Dulles locations, moving from Manager to Regional Manager, VP of Operations, and recently COO. My mom insisted I start at entry level, ensuring I understood the importance of each position. I would get frustrated at times, but now I’m thankful because that foundation shaped my growth.

Growing up, what did it mean to you that your mother was a successful entrepreneur?

Having my mother as a successful entrepreneur was awesome! I was proud to tell people my mom owned her own business. Watching her work hard to achieve her goals and push toward success gave me the confidence to believe in myself and the decisions I made. I knew my mom had something “extra” like all entrepreneurs, there is just a different drive and focus in everything they do. As a young girl and a young woman, I was in awe of her accomplishments. She is my mentor, my friend, and one of the people I am closest to and love most in this world. I am blessed to have her as my mom.

What values did you learn from your mother, and how do they influence you today?
An Interview with Metro Offices COO, Korie Mulkowsky | Metro Offices

I’ve learned so much from my mom—she’s been my greatest teacher. Because of her, I’ve come to understand the true importance of faith, the importance of loyalty that binds family together. She taught me to respect the sacrifice of the men and women who serve. My father, my Great Uncles, and my Grandfather all served our country with honor in both the Army and the Marine Corps. Of course, she instilled the value of hard work — not by demanding it necessarily but because she led by example. Most importantly, because my mom instilled these values in me, I can now pass them along to my daughter. 

What has been your greatest achievement, and how did you celebrate it?

My greatest achievement by far is being a mom to my 13-year-old daughter. I celebrate her every single day. 

What has been your greatest struggle, and how did you overcome it?

My biggest challenge has been believing I could follow in my mom’s footsteps. I had to work through my fear of failure even though I know missteps are a part of the journey. Also, I’m not the loudest voice in the room, and some might take that as a sign of disinterest—but don’t underestimate the quiet ones. We’re assessing ideas and figuring out exactly how to make them happen.

An Interview with Metro Offices COO, Korie Mulkowsky | Metro Offices

I’ve overcome those doubts by staying true to myself and remembering I’ve been here all along and I’m here because I’m the right person for the position. So yes, there were challenges but stepping into this role also felt very natural. I have realized along the way that there’s rarely a question about Metro that I can’t answer. I have the industry knowledge, the support of an incredible team, and the constant encouragement of my family. Working alongside my husband, Lee – my best friend, has been a tremendous blessing. Plus, if I need an answer, I know exactly who to call!

What inspires you as a leader?

The team members that go above and beyond when no one is watching, showing they genuinely care about our clients and believe in what we are doing as a company. The integrity and self-respect that accompany that effort are incredibly inspiring. 

As you take more ownership of Metro Offices, what is your long-term vision for the company?

I see Metro Offices staying true to the heart of what my mom built 35 years ago. She always knew this was more than just office space and that it’s about people and the relationships we build. That’s what makes us special, and I’m so proud to carry that forward. And excited — I’m really looking forward to sharing some of the amazing technology coming our way, as we keep finding new ways to make things easier and more convenient for our clients. But no matter what, at the end of the day, it’s still going to be about that personal connection—something my mom always knew and something I’m gonna make sure stays alive at Metro. 

What is the #1 lesson you’ve learned on your entrepreneurial journey that you would share with other business owners?

Trust your instincts, they exist for a reason—rely on them without hesitation.

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