Workspace Flexibility with Telework

The current workforce in the United States is evolving. With the increase in global offices and technology advancing at rapid speeds, the standard 8-5 cubicle job is becoming less of a viable option for conducting effective business. If the US wants to maintain a competitive stance in the market, it’s imperative that the federal government step up and adapt to new workforce priorities.

Moving forward, there are certain challenges that businesses face that lead to loss of productivity. Commuting is a perfect example. The amount of time on average that people spend commuting equates to around 2.5 weeks per year, which adds up to 100 hours annually. Weather also plays a significant role in how business is conducted: it is estimated that up to $70 million in revenue was lost PER DAY due to the massive snow storms in 2010. These are two pertinent issues that translate into significant loss of productivity hours. By having a workplace on demand process already integrated, these issues will no longer affect the business day.

According to Deloitte, the federal government will need to increase its workforce to 273,000 employees by 2012. Where will these people go? Agencies no longer have the capital to employ large numbers of people or extra money in the budget for setting up and running work places.

“50% of the federal workforce will be eligible for retirement in the next five years. Younger workers may have different work expectations… The federal government needs to adapt, just as the private sector has, to attract and retain the next generation of federal workers.” Sen, Daniel K. Akaka (D-HI) on Work-Life Programs during the Subcommittee on Oversight of Government Management, the Federal Workforce, and the District of Columbia (May, 2010)

This country is on the cusp of completely changing its accepted culture of the traditional workspace model. Will the government take responsibility and step up to the demands of a new and modern workforce? Stay tuned for further posts as we begin to explore how this unfolds.

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