Where Do You Want to Take Your Business? Start With a Customized Office Space

Whether you’re a startup or an old-timer in Washington DC business, you should always look for resources to lower overhead without sacrificing quality and output. Traditionally, setting up a prime office space in Washington DC would put a substantial dent in your capital investment and getting small business loans would saddle on the finances of the majority of entrepreneurs. To counter these costs, many have chosen to adapt the virtual workspace setup.

Tips for Choosing Your Business Location Image

However, it only takes a little research to find a physical office space located in prime locations without having to break the bank or put your company’s financial health on the line. The first step in finding prime real estate is to know your business needs and strategize your growth, as told in this article from SBA.gov:

Determine Your Needs
Most businesses choose a location that provides exposure to customers. Additionally, there are less obvious factors and needs to consider, for example:

Brand Image – Is the location consistent with the image you want to maintain?

Competition – Are the businesses around you complementary or competing?

Local Labor Market – Does the area have potential employees? What will their commute be like?

Plan for Future Growth – If you anticipate further growth, look for a building that has extra space should you need it.

Proximity to Suppliers – They need to be able to find you easily as well.

Safety – Consider the crime rate. Will employees feel safe alone in the building or walking to their vehicles?

In your effort to gain business stability, make room for resourcefulness and creativity. While using professional office space for meetings, mail service, and phone service is still necessary, you need to make sure that you settle in a room fitted with cutting edge technology and solutions to help propel your business to greater heights.

Ask Metro Offices for more information about our innovative Washington DC office space solutions customized for your unique business needs. Tell us where you want to take your business, and our experts will map out an innovative office space plan to get you working and achieving more.

(Article Excerpt and Image from “Tips for Choosing Your Business Location”, SBA.gov)


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