Unlock Your Productivity with Virtual Offices

Unlock Your Productivity with Virtual Offices

If you’re like millions of other knowledge workers worldwide, you’ve probably found yourself doing your job from home for the bulk of 2020. And if you’re like many of those people in another way, you’re also probably getting pretty tired of video conferencing and using your lap as a desk. An easy fix: virtual offices spaces. 

Here we give you the lowdown on these non-traditional workplace solutions. 

Virtual Office Spaces Defined

Simply put, virtual office space is a professional set-up that offers many of the amenities of a traditional office — but much of it, as the name implies, virtually. 

Virtual office spaces are also more affordable and their memberships more flexible. Services include phone answering, use of a business address, mail handling, and as-needed conference-rooms, private-offices, and collaboration-space rental.

Be careful, however, not to confuse virtual office spaces with private mailbox services. While also a helpful business tool, private mailbox services simply give you a business address and place to collect your business mail so that you don’t have to use your home address for your work needs. There’s no receptionist to answer the phone and greet attendants of a meeting, no private offices for use, and no chance of renting a conference room. 

How to Use Virtual Office Spaces

If you’ve been working from home since March and long ago passed the cabin fever stage of your self-isolation, virtual offices may be the answer to your prayers. Keep your distance from others, your mask on, and your sanity intact by getting a flexible membership with a top virtual office spaces provider. In and around DC, that’s Metro Offices

A membership with Metro Offices means you can use a ‘hot desk’ (in chairs that are at least six feet apart, per recommendations by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention); you can book clean, sanitized conference rooms and private, lockable office spaces when you need them; you can use fast, secure, reliable Wi-Fi and get the professional, quiet atmosphere of a traditional office when you need to get work done.  

So if you’re a freelancer or solopreneur whose office-space needs vary from week to week or even day to day, virtual office spaces could save you some serious cash (and headache).  

Virtual Office Spaces: Perfect for Freelancers

What’s not to like about virtual office spaces? For freelancers, they offer the opportunity to get back some of those productivity and mental-health pluses that come with working around others — while keeping you safe with mask rules, reception-area barriers, six-foot social distancing, regular, frequent common-area cleaning, and sanitization, and upped numbers of hand-sanitizer stations. 

They also offer the chance to restart all that good, business-boosting networking you used to do (now from a safe distance, of course). And perhaps most importantly these days, they also give you a break from both ends of the work-from-home emotion spectrum: loneliness and chaos-induced stress.  


Are you a freelancer or solopreneur itching to get out of your home office and back among others? Don’t waste your hard-earned savings on a traditional lease. Instead, come to Metro Offices, where you can work safely in a professional environment for a fraction of the price.  Click here to compare what it costs to run your own office by simply letting Metro Offices do the work for you.

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