Rising Tech Companies Can Benefit from Renting Office Space in DC

Washington, DC is known as the nerve-center of the federal government, but it may well be the home of the country’s thriving technology industry in the very near future. “Over the past 10 years, employment in the region has grown by 1.1 percent per year, while high tech employment has increased by 1.7 percent per year,” the Washington Post reports. “That translates into 40,000 more tech-related jobs, and that growth is a key reason why the D.C. area has one of the largest tech workforces in the country.”


Given the expected boom in tech companies that specialize in software design, computer engineering, and hard sciences, office space may soon become a hard-to-find commodity in the District of Columbia, which has an area of about 68.3 square miles. Luckily, companies like Metro Offices can help budding businesses and institutions find the best DC office space for rent. Interestingly, more precedence may be given to shared office spaces for rent compared to commercial building leases, which are just too costly for many start-up businesses.

In a shared office setting, your company splits resources and amenities with one or several other companies within the same complex. A typical shared office space in DC should have wireless internet, reception, telephone, mail and delivery services, as well as matching furniture and office equipment that may be leased on a monthly or yearly basis. Larger shared office facilities can have conference rooms, board rooms, and lounges.

Aside from cutting costs, the biggest appeal of shared office spaces stems from the fact that they allow companies to build networks across various industries. For example, an OBGYN clinic upstairs can partner with a fitness center at the ground floor, and thereby jointly cater to mothers who wish to stay healthy and get back into shape after giving birth. Such an office setup allows companies to share and grow their client base, as well as gain industry insights from each other (assuming they’re not in direct competition). Meanwhile, some of the best shared office spaces are located close to parks, restaurants, and commercial establishments to better ensure an optimum work/life balance.

(Article Excerpt and Image from Technology companies accounting for more jobs and leased space in D.C. area, The Washington Post, October 28, 2013)


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