How to Telework Successfully

How to Telework Successfully
virtual office space

Still working remotely? You’re far from alone. Approximately a quarter of Americans will work remotely this year,  according to a recent report from freelance platform Upwork. As we pass the one-year mark since the start of the global pandemic — the impetus for much of this telework — some people previously new to the practice have settled in comfortably, but others are struggling. 

Lacking a physical job destination separate from their homes, lots of employees find they don’t bother to get dressed as they normally would for the office (put on lipstick to sit on your sofa? Nah). Many teleworkers notice that they snack all day instead of having proper meals the way they did when they commuted; others miss the alone time they had driving, biking, or riding public transportation to their jobs.

Whether you’re a natural teleworker or not, we’ve gathered a handful of helpful tips for making telework work better for you. We share below.

Get ready for work

At first, you may have liked staying in sweats until 5 p.m. every weekday (and until 10 p.m. on the weekends), but chances are that a year into your telework journey, you like it a bit less. Much of this is due to the change to your years-long routine, which leads to a feeling — either conscious or unconscious — of uncertainty. But you can correct that. 

“[B]y waking up at your usual time, getting dressed (in something other than pajamas) and doing your hair and makeup as usual … you’re actually getting your brain ready for a better workday,” according to a recent piece in Why? Because by engaging in your old getting-ready ritual, you’re psychologically queuing yourself up for your day.

Institute a daily routine

In line with keeping to a daily wake-up-and-prepare routine, you’ll want to stick with a routine for the rest of your workday, too. Establish (and clear with your supervisors) the hours you’ll work, then weave in breaks, including ones for coffee, lunch, and/or walks or other exercises. These breaks need not be long; 10 or so minutes at a time is all you need to recharge and up your productivity once you’re back at it. Consider setting a timer to alert you when it’s time to switch activities. This will help give your day structure.

As for workouts, those can be short, too. Three 10-minute moderate-exercise breaks get you to the recommended 30 daily minutes of activity. As the weather warms up, feel free to take your heart-rate-raising moves outside; after all, a bit of sunshine is known to improve mood. Unrolling your yoga mat next to your desk and doing some vinyasas, using a fitness app, and even dancing around your house all count as exercise.

Use a private office

If your home office consists of any uncluttered space with a seat, that could be contributing to your feelings of professional aimlessness. You don’t have to try to shell out for a costly multi-year K Street lease, though; instead, come to any one of Metro Offices‘ nine DC and Washington-area locations. 

At our spots, you can rent a private, lockable, Wi-Fi-enabled office in an elegant, professional, and frequently sanitized suite. Come every day, a few days a week, or a few days a month. Any amount of time in one of our reasonably priced, centrally located offices will be sure to pull you out of any telework doldrums. 


Need some structure in your telework routine? Metro Offices can provide it. Take a virtual tour of our nine locations today.  

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