How To Make a Good Impression with Your Business


Making a good impression with your business is the key to attracting clients and retaining them. But how do you do that if your business is barely getting off the ground, you don’t have a DC office space where you can meet clients, and you find yourself needing a lot of administrative help?

Well, you can easily convey success by following these tips:

Have a business address and private office. Working from home is definitely the new norm, as is having meetings at your closest Starbucks. But when trying to convey an image of success, it’s imperative that you have a prestigious address not only for your business cards, but so when your clients come, they take note of your appearance of success. You can get a Washington DC office space with Metro Offices for this very purpose. You can have an office in a beautiful Class A building with a view of the White House, a receptionist to welcome your guests (and also answer all your phone calls), and meeting rooms outfitted with the latest in video conferencing equipment.

Have a professional web presence. It’s pretty much unheard of for a company to not have a website. Everyone searches online. So it’s crucial that when your visitors land on your page, they are impressed with what they see. WordPress is an excellent platform for creating a website, and their templates are very user friendly. It’s also a good idea to make sure your site is compatible with mobile devices since the majority of internet searches done now are through smart phones. If your site isn’t easily accessible from a mobile device, it could cost you those clients!

Have testimonials. Testimonials are a fantastic way to boost your reputation with clients. They help elicit trust with customers you don’t have yet. If you’re just starting out, you may have to offer some services for free in order to get feedback, but trust me – it’s worth it. Testimonials tell an authentic story about your business from the perspective of a third party.

It’s a good idea to work on gathering testimonials for your business on a regular basis, so be sure to create a process for capturing those. As far as displaying them, you can create a “Testimonials” section on your website, include them in brochures, or in other marketing materials.

Say thank you. Send a thank you note for a productive meeting or for a business transaction. It may seem unnecessary when you can just fire off an email that will say the same thing, but the point is that you want your company to stand out among the competition. To do that, you need to do something unique that no one else is doing. Your thoughtfulness will go quite a long way and give a very good impression to your clients, creating a long lasting business relationship.

Do you have any tips to contribute to making a good first impression with your business? We’d love to hear your comments below!

For more information about office space for rent in Washington DC, please contact customer support here.

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