How To Extend Your Twitter Network

If you’re no stranger to Twitter, then I’m sure you’ve seen invites to tweetups floating around your newsfeed. As a small business owner, tweetups are a great way to take your Twitter relationships offline and meet your followers face to face.

Tweetups are in person meetings organized by Twitter users and serve as a way to get like minded individuals in the same room for a more personal connection. It’s a fantastic way to network with various groups who share your similar interests, and develop relationships with fellow business colleagues, as well as current and potential clients.

How To Find Tweetups

To find a tweetup near your location, go to your Twitter search box and type:

tweetup near:”Washington DC” within:15mi

Type the phrase exactly as is concerning spacing and punctuation. Of course, you can switch out the city and the mileage to make it more relevant to you.

That search will pull up a list of all tweetups located in the DC area. It will even pull up tweetups from users that you aren’t following. This list is a good way to find new people to follow and learn about various events taking place in town.

If you find a tweetup that seems interesting and relevant to you, reach out to the event coordinator with a direct message asking to be included.

What if you can’t find any tweetups?

If you don’t find anything that interests you, you can create a tweetup yourself.  Organizing an industry tweetup is a good way to establish yourself and your business in the community.

Use Twtvite to create your tweetup. This is a separate web application that will link to your Twitter account and allow you to invite all of your followers. Once you create a tweetup, it will track RSVP’s and let you easily manage the details of your event.


For entrepreneurs who use on demand workplaces, tweetups are a great way to put a face to your company and make personal connections with your consumers. If you perceive tweetups as a necessary networking tool, you can gain valuable exposure for your business.

Have any of you been to a tweetup or hosted one? Share your thoughts with us by leaving a comment below – we’d love to hear what you think!





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