Customers are #1 At Metro Offices

How are customers shown that they are first priority? It begins with location. Metro Offices is where their clients are. This makes a huge difference in customer service, because it makes on demand help accessible. If you need tech support or simply have a general need for your DC meeting space, the person you will call is just down the hall. You won’t have to spend time on the phone with a call center based in anther country in order to get the help you require.

Another component that sets Metro Offices apart from other DC office spaces is their commitment to forward thinking. The company maintains an attitude of flexibility that allows them to shift as the business world evolves. With this progressive mindset, Metro Offices consistently provides workspaces that conform to each individual. They offer Flex Desks and On Demand workstations. Meeting rooms complete with video conferencing capability are available on an “as needed” basis. And they offer nine different locations throughout DC, Maryland and Virginia to accommodate their clients.

A company without state of the art technology would never stay at the top. That is why Metro Offices invests so heavily in their infrastructure. This includes an enterprise grade network, complete bandwidth access, and a data center that provides full back up and redundancy capabilities. “The great thing is that clients can take advantage of our cutting edge technology regardless of whether you are a start up or an established corporation,” says Kelly, VP of Marketing & Sales and in charge of Metro’s new product development. (source)

Metro Offices has thrived by making the following list their primary focus:

1. Know your market
2. Invest in technology and anticipate future demands of a younger workforce
3. Client’s needs always come first

What about you – our clients? What have you noticed about Metro Offices that makes us stand out over other centers? We’d love to hear your comments in the blog!

Contact Metro Offices today to get started with a FlexDesk or On Demand Work Station.


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