How To Maximize Your South By Southwest Experience (part 1)

SXSW is a break out hot spot for entrepreneurs and startups. Twitter launched here in 2006. Two years ago, Foursquare was introduced. It’s a veritable playground for the next big thing. Will you be there in a few weeks? As an entrepreneur, are you prepared for an event that can have a staggering impact on your small business?

The best way to enter any battle is to practice, practice, practice.


SXSW is not for amateurs – this is where the best of the best come prepared and willing to fight for the number one spot. You have to be on top of your game if you want to make any kind of impression here. You may meet your next investor at the SXSWi Startup Village – a new area where special events for startups will be consolidated.

Advice from veterans? Spend at least a few weeks practicing your pitch. There are dozens of connections to make at SXSW, from investors to clients to press exposure. This could be one of your most powerful networking events all year. Make sure you have a pitch that leaves a lasting impression.


Throw a killer party. Attend a panel. Pass out promos. Anything to get people talking about your company. You can check SXSocial to see who is coming and reach out to contacts personally for one on one meetings.

Here’s a good idea for a party: In the next few weeks, use social media to find out what the SWSX community likes: favorite cocktails, best place for breakfast tacos, where they buy clothes, etc. From there, you can shape a party around the preferences of the community and begin dialogue now between attendees and leaders.

More tips coming next week!

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