How to Tell It’s Time to Go Back to Your Coworking Space in DC

How to Tell It’s Time to Go Back to Your Coworking Space in DC

As we near month eight since the start of the global pandemic outbreak, it’s fair to say that more than a little cabin fever, frustration, and boredom have set in for knowledge workers who are still working from home. 

While many enjoy the comfort, lack of commute, cash savings, and other benefits that can accompany remote work, millions are finding the constant close quarters in which they find themselves with family members and/or roommates to be stifling. While it’s not yet time for a full-fledged return to the traditional office space nine to ten hours a day, it does seem to be high time for a return to coworking spaces here in D.C. 

If you’re wondering whether you should head back to your old coworking spot, read on. We offer up the top three signs that you’re ready to pack your bag and get back to it. 

Your Coworking Space Has Made Serious Changes

In keeping with local D.C. regulations, businesses now open must require that all those entering the establishment wear face masks. So if your coworking space is here in the nation’s capital, it’s mandating face coverings for sure. Masks with at least two layers are known to help stop the spread of the novel coronavirus, so that’s key. 

But if your coworking spot has made other, optional changes that go even further to help up hygiene, you can rest easy about returning to your old haunt. Check your coworking spot’s website for updates, and feel free to call and ask a person about what changes have been made. 

Here at Metro Offices, we’ve erected additional hand-sanitizer stations, reduced and spaced out our common area seating to the six-foot distances recommended by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, and added Plexiglass barriers in the reception area. In addition, we’ve adhered six-foot-marker stickers to the floors at all our locations so you never have to guess whether you’re a safe number of feet from your neighbor.

You’re Craving Some ‘Me’ Time

If you’ve started to long for hours of uninterrupted, head-down work time during which you say not one word to anyone related to or living with you, it’s probably time to recommence coworking

As long as your coworking location is following the above-mentioned guidelines, there’s no reason not to get back to even the open-space, shared-table spots (just remember to wash and sanitize your hands often). 

But if you want even more privacy, why not rent a private office at Metro Offices? They’re fully appointed, lockable, and available by the hour and at multiple locations. Even if you do no more than nod or wave at others and work privately while coworking, you may well find that the process of getting dressed ‘for work,’ leaving the house, and being out in public again increase your productivity.

Others Have Been Back to Your Old Coworking Space — and Are Glad They Went 

Chances are that if you used a coworking space before the pandemic hit, you made some great connections there. Make use of those now and inquire via email or text (or even good old-fashioned voice call) whether any of your friends, acquaintances, or business associates have been back since non-essential businesses in Washington reopened. If so, ask them how they found it. Did they feel comfortable? Were they able to get work done as effectively as before? If they’ve made the return, the odds are pretty good that they’ll tell you what a relief it was to come back. 


Looking for flexible coworking with lots of options in and around DC? Browse Metro Offices’ locations today.

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