4 Great Tips on Communicating Effectively at Work

4 Great Tips on Communicating Effectively at Work

Communication is something we do reflexively — like blinking. We express our thoughts and opinions without giving much thought to how we’re doing it. In an informal setting, we can easily get away with what we say, tagging them as just jokes and banter. In the workplace, however, your communication skills will need a bit of finesse.

Communication Tips

The consequences of miscommunication in this setting can range from low productivity to apathetic staff and even lawsuits, so you really have to watch what you say and how you say it. With that in mind, let Metro Offices, the top provider of office space for rent in Herndon, VA, share some helpful tips to get you off to a great start:

  1. Learn to Talk about Competitors Without Losing Your Credibility
    This shows people that you have integrity. If you still look credible even when talking about your competition, you will have no problems communicating effectively with your colleagues.
  2. Promote Workplace Creativity
    A workspace that allows your employees to be creative is a happy and productive one. One of the best ways to achieve this is to have an open door policy. Let your staff feel free to express their ideas without fear of reproach or rejection. If you must reject, be sure to explain why.
  3. Respect Cultural Differences
    A few years back, while touring Australia, former President George H.W. Bush flashed the peace sign to some farmers. Unknown to him, this well-intentioned message is actually a vulgar gesture in Australia. If your workspaces in Herndon, Virginia, consists of diverse nationalities, be sensitive to the subtle differences in the way they interpret words and gestures.
  4. Take Your Emotions Out of the Equation
    The office is a place for high levels of professionalism. In reality, you’ll find that this is not always easy to do with so many personalities converging in such a small space. Sometimes work discussions can go off the point and turn into personal attacks. Learning to respond in a calm, unemotional manner will serve you well.

In addition to providing top-notch office space in Herndon, VA, we offer other bespoke workplace solutions, such as Flexdesk, Workspace-on-demand, and training facilities. Just tell us what you need and we’ll handle the rest.

Give us a call today at (888) 571-9440 or fill out our contact form to get started. At Metro Offices, your success is our success, and you can trust us to deliver only the best.


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