3 Ways to Grow Your Business Quickly

3 Ways to Grow Your Business Quickly

Washington Business Journal recently named Metro Offices No. 4 in its list of the top 25 co-working spaces in the D.C. metro area.


Rankings are based on size, and Metro Offices earned its spot with its nine area locations:

Growth is essential to a business. It can be hard to get a company off the ground, and a big expense is leasing the space necessary to conduct business. Metro Offices provides a solution to this problem by offering shared office space and temporary office space on a short- or long-term basis.

It can be difficult to raise the capital you need to start your own business. Besides paying on the lease, you need furniture and office machines and supplies. This can run into the tens of thousands of dollars — and you haven’t even made your first sale yet!

We Do the Work for You

This kind of investment can put undue stress on a new business owner. We take that away by offering you the space and supplies you need without any hassle or commitment.

You don’t have to scour the town looking for the right size space for a price you can afford. Our offices have some of the best addresses in the area, and they’re conveniently located near Metro stops. The rental fees for a private office suite in these upscale buildings with concierges and receptionists would be out of reach for any startup. Renting temporary office space makes the best spaces affordable to you.

Compare what it costs to run your own office vs. simply letting Metro Offices do the work for you.


Custom Home Office

Custom Home Office

Advice from the Experts

Metro Offices wants you to be as successful as we are. We started small and have grown to nine successful locations. What should you keep in mind as a startup that wants to grow quickly (but not too quickly)?

  1. Mitigate risks — The downfall of many companies comes through expanding too quickly. You may get several new clients or make a few big sales and think that you are on your way to better things, which may include expanding your space and hiring some employees.But it might be better to hold off on these big decisions for a few months. And in the meantime, call your insurance company and check your coverage. Business News Daily warns that a company’s growth can be thwarted overnight by employee theft of customer data, company designs or other proprietary information. Make sure you are protected.
  2. Focus on customer service — Many companies offer the same type of product, but those with the best customer service are the ones that retain more clients.Regardless of what your product or service is, having a good rapport and communicating clearly with your customers is essential to success. A recent LinkedIn post cautions companies not to promise what they aren’t sure they can deliver.Marketing reps, eager to make a sale, can sometimes offer extras that the company cannot provide. Or they may pledge to get a product to a customer by a date that is not realistic. Be honest with your customers about what you can deliver, and you will be rewarded with repeat customers.
  3. Get your name out there — No new business today is likely to underestimate the importance of an internet presence. Word of mouth, reviews, and recommendations are great, but even these are mostly online.The Small Business Administration advises that you identify and develop your brand before setting up shop. Once you get your logo and taglines, you won’t want to change them for a while, because these are great markers for customers to easily and quickly identify your company and products.

There is no one certain recipe for success; if there was, it would be easy to achieve! Metro Offices enjoys providing temporary office space and shared office space to startups and any established businesses that choose the convenience of a cooperative working space.

Focus on growing your business, and leave the job of providing a comfortable space to work to us.


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